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Tiffany's Guestbook
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13) Shannon 
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:34 PM Write a comment

hey you~it's your day again
I am going on a trip with Louis and Gina next weekend! Even though it has been another year, I still wish you can be here with us to share all these precious moments in life. Miss you very much.

Friends always,
12) Susan 
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 03:17 PM Write a comment

I wish you well
11) Nameless 
Monday, January 18, 2010 03:30 PM Write a comment

My dear friend do you know I still miss you especially today?
10) Karen Chang 
Saturday, January 16, 2010 02:06 AM Write a comment

偶然看見了妳的故事,深深被你精采又燦爛的一生而吸引和感動 。甜美又堅強的天使,請在天堂為深愛妳的丈夫,家人和朋友守 護。heart heart
9) Peace 
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 07:39 AM Write a comment

It's very touching. Very happy for you to have a lovely family and hushand. My tears dropped. Wish you happy and peaceful in heaven and may god himself bless you and make you his angel to help others.

8) anonymous 
Monday, May 25, 2009 01:38 PM Write a comment

Wish you happy birthday today just like before...
We won't forget the graceful footprint you quickly left.
We'll miss you... as always.
7) Shannon 
Monday, May 25, 2009 11:04 AM Write a comment

Tiffany, even though i know you are happy where you are, i still wish i can say happy birthday to you today. Miss you very very much my dear friend.

love, shannon
6) 匿名 
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:58 AM Write a comment

Rest in peace dear friend. I pray that you are in God's hands now, and that you have let go all the sorrows to this life, leaving you with nothing but endless happiness.

匿名 Wednesday, April 22, 2009 03:10 PM
Was she ever a Christian?

Tiffany Thursday, October 29, 2009 04:10 AM
Does it matter?
5) Shannon 
Sunday, February 15, 2009 09:11 AM Write a comment

Dear Tiffany,

Just want to tell you how much I miss you. I will miss you whenever I am with Alu; I will miss you on my wedding day; I will miss you when my kids are old enough to call you Auntie Tiffany; I will miss you when I am an overwhelmed housewife; I will miss you when I am growing old and wrinkly. Although I will miss you for many many years to come, I will still live and enjoy life the way you've shown me. So rest well my dear friend.

love, Shannon
4) kiwi (Emily Chi) 
Saturday, February 7, 2009 02:47 AM Write a comment

(4) heart

I will miss you forever & ever. You left the most beautiful footprint in my life. Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of "Beauty", from inside to the outside.

On behalf of Churchill Grad '98 ~ MIT & Girl Sailormoon you formed~ , may I present you, my love, this song:

我是多麼想你 -
Singers: Shannon, Vivien, Samson, Kevin, Julian, Eric, Seth, Judy, Tania, Danny & Emily

也許你陪我嘶吼 如果你真的沒走
想起你說要等我 如果你真的沒走

*Emily︰喔 我是多麼想你
Judy︰喔 我是多麼想你

Eric/Emily /Seth: 讓我閉上眼也許你會叫醒我
也許你陪我嘶吼 如果你真的沒走
想起你說要等我 如果你真的沒走

Emily: 我多麼的想你

Vivien︰想你笑 想你唱 想你為夢想激昂
心像天一樣高 愛像浪一樣狂
Emily︰想你笑 想你唱 想你和生命賽跑
我雖然無法跟上 我心陪你到遠方
3) Paul Li 
Friday, February 6, 2009 04:18 PM Write a comment

Privileged to have been a friend and classmate. You have achieved what most can not in your short time with us. You will surely be missed my dear friend.
2) Viv 
Friday, February 6, 2009 03:28 PM Write a comment

Dear Tiffany,

No one will be able to replace your perfectness.
Always looking up at the sky and thinking of you~

1) Your loving husband, Jimmy 
Friday, February 6, 2009 03:04 PM Write a comment

(1) Rest in peace my beloved wife. Thank you for the 9 years of happiness that you have brought me. A thousand words are not enough to describe how wonderful you were. You are truly a girlfriend/wife that a man could have ever wanted. You will always be in my heart. Your big smile, your beautiful voice, and your sparkling eyes will always remain in my memory. Wait for me in heaven. One day we will meet again. That’s when I’ll hold your hand once again and tell you how much I love you.

Anon Wednesday, April 22, 2009 03:14 PM
Wish that you can attend a good Church and find your way to heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tiffany Thursday, October 29, 2009 01:30 AM
I will come look for you.......
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